At our online store, we offer promo codes to our customers as a way to provide discounts on their purchases. However, please note that these promo codes are valid only for items that are not currently on sale. This policy ensures that all customers can enjoy the benefits of our promotions equally, and that the promo codes are not used to further discount items that are already reduced in price.

To use a promo code, simply enter the code during the checkout process, and the discount will be applied to the eligible items in your order. Please note that promo codes cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions, and are valid for a limited time only.

If you attempt to use a promo code on an item that is currently on sale, the code will not be applied, and the regular sale price will be charged instead. We reserve the right to modify or terminate any promo code at any time, and without prior notice.

We encourage all customers to review the terms and conditions of each promo code before using it, and to contact our customer service team if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for choosing our online store, and we hope you enjoy your shopping experience!